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      • Why does discipline has to be mandatory?

        in Warrior

        Posted February 1, 2022

        Just now, Vancho.8750 said:

        Well i said like Firebrand and Scourge and they didn't seem very supportive at the start of POF when they murdered your kitten , while healing offensively.

        Fair fair

        • Why does discipline has to be mandatory?

          in Warrior

          Posted February 1, 2022

          7 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

          Wish we were in the timeline where Warrior got that staff monk and was "support" like Firebrand or scourge and everyone wanted to play with you cause had all thecool kitten even though it was not top dps, but who cares utility beats damage any day in GW2.

          Not even full support. An offensive support at least.

          • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (1)1
          • Why does discipline has to be mandatory?

            in Warrior

            Posted February 1, 2022· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

            2 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

            Well i was hoping that you won't need discipline ont BS but for some reason the gunblade has weapons swap cd instead of bundle cd and you need to be on gunsabre mode to do bursts so discipline it is, also gunsabre is not a damage pumper weapon bundle like axe/axe or top end versatility weapon like Ranger GS. BS looked like it could be the warrior that does not need "that" traitline with the whole new made up adrenaline, but Arenanet in all its wisdom managed to make everyone unhappy. How did they manage to kitten up a sure win Explosion Samurai spec is beyond me.

            Sike, imagine proper explosion synergy in traits, imagine actual decent utility skills with a long requested skill trai, imagine better ammo interaction traits, imagine better core synergy, imagine a better mechanic, imagine a different spec.....We are getting clowned for no reason..

            • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (2)1
            • Bladesworn Feedback Thread

              in Warrior

              Posted February 1, 2022

              1 minute ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

              Yes but why show one of the flaw from this e-spec in a trailer then ?
              if not to show it fixed (also the thing he launch the dragon trigger on dies on impact, so.....)

              Cause they hype the expac with visuals, not mechanics, bladesworn being a pve experience outweighs pvp and wvw balance.

              • Why does discipline has to be mandatory?

                in Warrior

                Posted February 1, 2022

                1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

                There is 2 ways to approach the Fast Hands, sorry discipline, dilemma (and yes, discipline is all about Fast Hands, let's stop pretending, the remaining traits are good but it's the 5s swap that makes this line.):

                1. make Fast Hands baseline and deal with having 1 class have an unorthodox weapon swap compared to all other classes (not impossible given we have seen a far large variety in dodge differences for example, though elite spec limited)

                2. remove Fast Hands *gasp*! and re-balance things around a mandatory 10s weapon swap, just like every other class in the game

                Both would reduce the necessity to take Discipline, though I have a strong feeling a lot of players don't consider option 2 as valid, though it is the FAR more likely approach the developers would take. The remaining traits in discipline are good, but not in any way outstanding or super great or could not be achieved via itemization or gear.

                Does 10s weapon swap feel bad on warrior (or any class for that matter)? Absolutely, and that's only because players have gotten used to 5s weapon swap in the first place.

                Only problem with warr is, that now that we also do no dmg on cc with many skills, you burn through what you have in 3 seconds. So if they did have to balance the class on 10 sec CD, coeffs would need to go up, CDs would need to change and the overall flow of the class too. Which is a solution that anet will never resort to cause they suck kitten at balancing and will not do a megabalance ever again aside from tweaking some numbers post EoD and telling us "this is what we promised"

                • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (3)2
                • Late to the party but

                  in Warrior

                  Posted January 31, 2022

                  Yoooooooooo, 1 warrior in MAT??????? Brooo what a W for warriors get it? GG gamer who did it.🎉🎉

                  This better prove how OP warr is so we can flex on other classes🤯

                  • nerf necro!

                    in Necromancer

                    Posted January 29, 2022

                    17 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:

                    Following your logic you would be surprised to get hit in the face if you hit someone in the face. Big brain time....


                    17 hours ago, Bale.3851 said:

                    Yeah nice feedback. I wonder why you would ever get hate in the forum.

                    Get hate for calling a class trash. My guys you should take a look at what rly deserves hate kek.

                    • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (4)6
                    • new player, are warriors that bad?

                      in Warrior

                      Posted January 28, 2022

                      2 hours ago, Mesket.5728 said:

                      Same boat... didnt log ever since. Playing since GW1 vanilla, all its expansions and playing gw2 since release.

                      I finally had it with ANet. I dont trust this company to fix the mess they got into. I simply think they lack the tools to do it.

                      They def won't admit it. I'm waiting to see how well EoD will do on release...And see how many problems will pile up.

                      • nerf necro!

                        in Necromancer

                        Posted January 28, 2022

                        4 minutes ago, Bale.3851 said:

                        Ok lol and you wonder why people react aggressive against your statements with a mindset like this... Sure flip the meta but you literally calling for an overnerf on necros main defensive tool because berserker is a bad 1v1 class?

                        Aggressive grindset is correct. I don't wonder about anything. I knew what I was doing the moment I came in here. Wanted to check. Checked.

                        Necro belongs to the trash doe.

                        • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (5)1
                        • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (6)4
                        • nerf necro!

                          in Necromancer

                          Posted January 28, 2022

                          It rly doesn't lead to anything presenting stuff to other players. Anet has the final word. So to make a change, may as well be radical about it.

                          • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (7)1
                          • nerf necro!

                            in Necromancer

                            Posted January 27, 2022

                            4 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

                            @Grand Marshal.4098

                            I think you don't get Nimon's point at all. It's not because berserker is poorly designed that it make asking for a nerf on other professions' mechanism justified.

                            Since release, Berserker have been in an arguable spot. At release, It's only saving grace in competitive mode was it's damage output (and it wasn't even great to begin with) and in PvE it's core ability to bring banners with somewhat decent amount of burn damage. Then it got a "rework" which didn't improve it at all and was hurt hard by the competitive damage nerf.

                            It doesn't mean that through it's history peoples didn't manage to make the spec work nor that it didn't have a few hours of glory or interesting niches. But from the begining it wasn't "good" design (just like bladesworn is shaping into an "awfully designed" spec already).

                            Ramble aside, brandishing the "berserker" as an argument isn't a good enough argument to justify a nerf on any spec or mechanism. You don't ask your neighbour to burn it's house because you find it more beautiful than your own.

                            It's a counterargument for Necro mains trying to defend their specs when worse stuff exists.

                            • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (8)4
                            • Time to remove Steal boon priority

                              in Player vs. Player

                              Posted January 27, 2022

                              7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

                              Question; does anyone know if spell breaker strips have stability priority as well? I never actually looked into this and few stupid for it.

                              Sadly to strip you need to CC first🤩

                              So unless someone runs Break Enchantments, I have a hard time believing they will be allowed to dagger burst in the guardian and follow up with a CC to interrupt Signet.

                              • Let's be honest, other professions are the problem...

                                in Warrior

                                Posted January 27, 2022

                                Imo I don't dislike Berserker gameplay. Overall I'd actually like for all warrior specs to maintain the same muscle memory buttons of importance in their kit. The difference won't come from pressing different buttons, the difference will come from pressing the same buttons and doing something else, which both Full Counter and Berserk mode imo fullfill.

                                Bladesworn is just all flashy no substance in that department... That;s where the "role" of a spec comes in. Look at Mesmers and what they say about shatters. Same thing here. It's about giving you a meaningful change, not just an icon change.

                                Breaking stuns on a burst is unique and so is evading all attacks for a time frame. Equipping a kit and doing 3 more steps to deliver the same results as core with 1 button bad..

                                • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (9)2
                                • nerf necro!

                                  in Necromancer

                                  Posted January 27, 2022

                                  Just now, Nimon.7840 said:

                                  So we are at the point:

                                  One build of my class isn't good in 1 part of the game pls nerf that other class?


                                  Core Necro is absolutely useless for endgame PvE - pls nerf warrior/berserker


                                  Zerging is different because you got boonbots hold your hands....

                                  Berserker has a bad mechanic, lacks synergy with traits and barely offers anything outside berserk mode.

                                  Reaper, as a necro, packs way more utility outside reaper shroud which has far easier management requirememnts and a much superior kit to work with while active, than berserker. Detailed posts exist in the warrior forum addressing these issues and providing solutions. But if warrior doesn't get any buffs, other classes need to be brought down to it's level. Necro being one of them.

                                  Shroud is a major offender to balance right now for obvious reasons. Reducing the dmg reduction it provides as well as the overall LF pool will massively improve balance right now, making necros more killable and requiring more skill than facetanking and worm porting to build LF. Increased CD on fear ring as well as the 2 ports.

                                  But I'm obviously in enemy territory rn as a diff class main so my opinion will get trashed on.🤷‍♂️

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                                  • nerf necro!

                                    in Necromancer

                                    Posted January 26, 2022· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                                    6 minutes ago, Bale.3851 said:

                                    Dunno in what kind of content you play war. But berserker is one of the best team fighters there is. Sure in Spvp you lack survivability but in wvw you are a monster hitting multiple foes for 13k+ and that on soldier/marauder gear.

                                    Maybe you dont have a good team supporting you.

                                    Zerging is diff . Despite that Berserker traits suffer as well as it's mechanic.

                                    • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (12)4
                                    • Every Going to Address warrior's complaints?

                                      in Warrior

                                      Posted January 26, 2022

                                      Defend necromancer!!!!!

                                      • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (13)1
                                      • Condizerker PvP Build

                                        in Warrior

                                        Posted January 26, 2022

                                        Can't take other classes' mains in this forum seriously.

                                        Really funny how you always get the kitten for being a mid player, without claiming you are a god. And when you ask them to play against you with the same build they magically forget how to play the game. Hypocrites. Can't stand people defending stuff like necro anymore. Engi was understandable at one point, but that bandwagon is long over. Scrapper is dominant.

                                        Funny how Elementalists and Mesmers don't have an issue with warrior buffs, but necros, engis and guardians (and revs to some degree) have..

                                        • nerf necro!

                                          in Necromancer

                                          Posted January 25, 2022· Edited by Grand Marshal.4098

                                          Reaper Shroud skills in full zerker hitting for 5k against 4k armor target. All the while there is 0 build into the shroud dmg mititgation. Full zerker reapers are excellent teamfighters (overshadowed in pvp from disgusting core necros).

                                          I don't get why I must invest in that defense as a warrior with the "highest toughness and vitality baseline 2012 crap" and hit like a feather vs some chill full zerk reaper. It doesn't stand literally.

                                          Edit: Point is full offensive gear and still better sustain than me.

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                                          • Let's be honest, other professions are the problem...

                                            in Warrior

                                            Posted January 25, 2022

                                            No EoD for me. That's how I can show my dissapointment.

                                            Imagine trying to play Longbow warrior with some ranged condi vs a Guard, Scrapper, Druid comp in wvw btw.

                                            Talk about a bruh moment.

                                            • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (17)1
                                            • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (18)1
                                            • Warrior is fine in pvp just needs bug fixes.

                                              in Warrior

                                              Posted January 25, 2022

                                              Warr buffs when?

                                              • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (19)1
                                              • Unranked

                                                in Player vs. Player

                                                Posted January 25, 2022

                                                I guess everyone wants to have a chill match once in a while. And hey, if it's 5 guys i'm against why not ask for some duels if we losing. Otherwise, WvW roaming tho nearly as dead, far more enjoyable than unranked imo.

                                                • Warrior is fine in pvp just needs bug fixes.

                                                  in Warrior

                                                  Posted January 24, 2022

                                                  Bro I'm so sad I didn't screen this...

                                                  Me meme-ing gunflame, Axe/Shield second set. Full signet of fero stacks, and obviously stacked signet buffs...

                                                  In WvW some 'Queen of the Arena" flexing her extremely capable Core necro death magic gameplay on Trailblazer with 30 carapace stacks. In shroud. How much did I expect my axe throw to hit? Well atleast a 4 digit number non crit with all the buffs I had on Scholar Rune and Zerker stats....

                                                  What a fool I was. 300 dmg. 300 DAMAGE!!!!1111

                                                  You may not believe me, but fr do the calcs... That's more tanking than any warrior can hope to muster without a stance activated, on full Minstrel with Defense slotted and Prot/Reso up...

                                                  Whatever. I'm bored. Now EoD Necros will be able to rup away from us. Imagine Harb with Spectral and Worm kek./

                                                  • Remove Boons or WvW WILL die..

                                                    in World vs. World

                                                    Posted January 23, 2022

                                                    Again, warrior mains have been discussing a good means to this at least for our class, which would also serve as an indirect buff. Superior boonstrip potential and application of the disenchantment effect once a boon is stripped (fixed duration regardless of strip number and once per game interval) which doesn't allow for boon reapplication. Buffing scourge is imo a no, so ideally improve Mallyx teamplay potential, but not enough to make it abusable in smallscale, rev mains probs have better ideas here.

                                                    Introduce a sigil like the one in PvP, on hit remove a boon by default. Similarly improve some classes like Core Warrior (with a nerfed version for SpB) and maybe Core Mesmer (or chrono, depends on what Mesmer mains want to see, I'd promote for a more offensive Core Mesmer) to have unique strip potential abilities vs foes with Stability, not unlike Brutality from devastation etc.

                                                    Scrapper coeffs need a review sure, but I'd argue that rn, Aurashare is too oppressive and tho I don't want for Ele to get nerfed, introduce ways to shut down auras from enemies.

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                                                    • Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (21)2
                                                    • A thematic restructuring of Berserker’s GM traits

                                                      in Warrior

                                                      Posted January 23, 2022

                                                      7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

                                                      I saw some of his other comments and I now realize this. However, I like to understand why and how different people think, so the question still stands.
                                                      However, considering this is really just choice-based stattrade offs and small buffs plus name changes to the GM traits of a meme specialization, I have a feeling I’m not going to understand why he thinks it would make berserker unkillable.

                                                      Warrior is selected by the best players and the best players tend to win!

                                                      It's that easy.😂

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                                                    Grand Marshal.4098's Content - Page 64 (2024)


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                                                    Name: Stevie Stamm

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                                                    Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.