1. RECEDING WAVE: ON Jiří Menzel & LARKS ON A STRING - Metrograph
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A conversation between A. S. Hamrah, Jonathan Owen, and curator Irena Kovarova on and around Jiří Menzel’s Larks on a String.
2. Larks on a String (Skřivánci na niti) – Jiří Menzel, 1969/1990
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Banned for over twenty years and only released after the Velvet Revolution, Jiří Menzel’s Larks on a String is a film out of time. It was one of the director’s more overtly critical wor…
3. Larks on a String Blu-ray review - Cine Outsider
Jul 25, 2022 · Larks on a String is a beautifully crafted and sharply observed film that balances satiric, comedic, and romantic tones with enviable deftness.
Editor’s note: This review of Larks on a String was originally written by L.K. Weston for the film’s 2011 DVD release, and has been reposted here with the author’s kind permission because it absolute nails what makes the film so special. The same goes for the special features carried over from the DVD, while the HD transfer and the extras that are new to this edition have been covered by Slarek. The final summary combines comments from both.
4. Jiří Menzel's closing shot - Luke McKernan
Sep 8, 2020 · The third, Larks on a String (Skřivánci na niti), was made as the Soviet tanks rolled back in, forcing it to be banned before any screening.
One of the cinema’s great gifts to us all is the closing shot. Each art form becomes distinctive through its ability to tell stories through devices unique to itself, and so there is nothing …
5. Larks On A String (Skřivánci na niti) (Jiří Menzel, 1969/1990) DVD Review
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Václav Neckár and Jitka Zelenohorská in Larks On A String (1990) Although it was shot in 1968, Jiří Menzel's sociopolitical comedy Larks On...
6. Larks on a String - Senses of Cinema
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7. Larks on a String - Second Run - Blueprint: Review
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David Brook reviews Jirí Menzel's classic anti-communist satire, which is being released on Blu-ray by Second Run.
8. Larks on a String (1969) - Filmový přehled
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The stories of Bohumil Hrabal were a touchstone for director Jiří Menzel. By the time he turned to Skřivánci na niti (Skylarks on the String, 1969) he had already adapted a number of short stories from the writer’s 1965 collection Inzerát na dům, ve kter…
9. Menzel Film Retrospective Launches at Local Czech Restaurant
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The Embassy of the Czech Republic launched a year-long retrospective of the work of Oscar-winning Czech director Jiří Menzel, on January 15,
10. Menzel, Jiří - Senses of Cinema
Oct 18, 2020 · Skřivánci na niti (Larks on a String/Skylarks on a String, 1969) is ... It was not seen again until 1990, when it was screened at the ...
11. Newly remastered film Larks on a Thread / Skrivanci na niti
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The film Larks on a Thread was made in 1969 by director Jiri Menzel based on the short stories from Bohumil Hrabal's book An Advertisement for the House I Don't Want to Live in Anymore. For twenty long years, the film remained locked in a safe, because it spoke about the absurd reality of Czech society in the 1950s, wh
12. Larks on a String (Skrivánci na niti,, 1969, Czechslovakia)
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Although I’ve dated the film 1969, it wasn’t shown complete until the Berlin Film Festival of 1990, where it won the Golden Bear. The film fell foul of the Soviet-Warsaw Pact invasion o…
13. Larks on a String - Národní filmový archiv
By the time he turned to Skřivánci na niti (Skylarks on the String, 1969) he ... 1990 Berlin International Film Festival it was a belated satisfaction.
The stories of Bohumil Hrabal were a touchstone for director Jiří Menzel. By the time he turned to Skřivánci na niti (Skylarks on the String, 1969) he had already adapted a number of short stories from the writer’s 1965 collection Inzerát na dům, ve kterém už nechci bydlet (An...
14. Larks on a String (křivánci na niti) 1990 with English subtitles
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křivánci na niti or Larks on a String is a 1969 Czech film directed by Jiří Menzel. The film was banned by the Czechoslovak government. It saw release in 1990 after the fall of the Communist regime. It tells the stories of various characters considered bourgeois by Czechoslovakia's communist government in the 1950s, who have been forced to work in a junkyard for
15. Skřivánci na niti (1969) | ČSFD.cz
Skřivánci na niti (1969) - film: Recenze, Hodnocení, Zajímavosti, Videa, Galerie, Data uvedení, Diskuze, Filmotéka a další...
16. Skřivánci na niti (1969) | ČSFD.cz
Netreba so mnou súhlasiť, je to však moja licencia. ( 14.03.2011 ). Galerie ... 01.02.1990 Ústřední půjčovna filmů. Reklama. Tagy. podle knihy, láska ...
Skřivánci na niti (1969) - film: Recenze, Hodnocení, Zajímavosti, Videa, Galerie, Data uvedení, Diskuze, Filmotéka a další...
17. Larks on a String - Národní filmový archiv
skrivanci-na-niti-distribucni-list.pdf (PDF 2,63 MB) skrivanci-na-niti ... was not approved for distribution, the première did not take place until 1990.
The stories of Bohumil Hrabal were a touchstone for director Jiří Menzel. By the time he turned to Skřivánci na niti (Skylarks on the String, 1969) he had already adapted a number of short stories from the writer’s 1965 collection Inzerát na dům, ve kterém už nechci bydlet (An...
18. Skřivánci na niti | Larks on a String | Lerchen am Faden - | Berlinale |
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Berlin International Film Festival - official website