Understanding the Address Format – Lonely Poland (2025)

From one hand you might think that the traditional method of sending letters is outdated and has faded into obscurity in today’s society but from the other, you need to send letter or package to Poland and don’t know what the proper address format is. I got you covered.

Understanding the Address Format – Lonely Poland (1)

While paper letters are increasingly being replaced by digital versions sent through online channels, there are still situations where traditional mail is used extensively. This is especially true for offices in Poland and various businesses that use this form of communication for official correspondence and expect their clients or customers to do the same.

A common problem people face when writing a letter to Poland is how to address the envelope correctly. How can you do this according to established standards to avoid unintentional mistakes? Below I’ve shared some helpful tips for you.

The Importance of Proper Addressing To Poland

It’s important to remember that an envelope serves not only as a protective cover for the letter, but also as a sign of respect for the intended recipient and evidence of the sender’s high level of personal etiquette. It is also an essential tool for the postal service to ensure the efficient delivery of mail to the intended recipient. Business correspondence is also considered official, so it’s important to ensure that it is addressed correctly according to the applicable guidelines.

The Components of a Polish Address

The format of the envelope itself is crucial and cannot be random. The arrangement of the individual details should follow a specific order and adhere to the following rules:

Sender Information:

  • The sender’s personal information should be placed in the upper left corner of the envelope.
  • Sending an anonymous letter is impolite and may cause problems if the package needs to be returned.

Recipient Information:

  • Recipient information should be placed in the bottom right corner of the envelope.
  • Start with the recipient’s full first and last name. Follow this with the appropriate salutation, which is required in this type of correspondence.
  • It is also ok to avoid the abbreviation Sz.P. It is not necessary to use.
  • The first name and surname should be followed by the addressee’s job title. If the addressee has an academic title, it’s worth putting it before the personal information.
  • You can also include the name of the department in which the person works on the envelope to make it easier to deliver company correspondence to the addressee (optional).
  • Below the recipient’s personal information, include the company’s name and address (street, building or apartment number, zip code, and city).

How to Format Your Address Correctly in Poland

Correctly addressing an envelope is crucial to ensure that postal workers can navigate the correspondence flawlessly and without any problems. Since business mail often contains important documents and confidential information, it’s important to make every effort to address the envelope correctly to minimize the risk of letters being lost or delivered to the wrong person.

Here’s an Example of a Proper Address Format to a Specific Person in a Company:

  • Salutation and Name: Sz. P. Stanislaw Kowalski
  • Department: Human Resources and Payroll Department
  • Company Name: XYZ Company
  • Address Line 1 (street and number) : ul. Stawowa 13/6,
  • Address Line 2 (postal code and city) : 02-300 Warsaw

Following this pattern will ensure the letter is read correctly and delivered to the recipient. It’s important to write carefully and legibly to avoid problems with deciphering information. Finally, to send a letter, you will need to buy a postage stamp at the post office and place it in the upper right corner of the envelope.

Here’s How to Write a Polish Address to a Private Person:

  • Salutation and Name: Sz. P. Stanislaw Kowalski
  • Address Line 1 (street and number) : ul. Stawowa 13/6,
  • Address Line 2 (postal code and city) : 02-300 Warsaw

In this format we use:

  • „ul” which means „street”
  • Stawowa – street name
  • 13/6 – this is the number, which refers to a building number (13) / apartments number (6)

Addressing an Envelope in Poland

Addressing an envelope has become easier thanks to the actions of Poczta Polska, known for its pro-consumer approach. The company has created 5 zones that divide the surface of the envelope, making it easier to address a letter correctly. These zones define the sender area, the recipient area, and the code area.

ZoneWhere is this zone located?What information to write in the zone?
Zone 1Top left cornerSender details
Zone 2Top right cornerFee information / Stamp
Zone 3Bottom left cornerInformation field
Zone 4Bottom right cornerRecipient / Addressee data
Zone 5Bottom of the envelope – middleCoded area

By following the guidelines for each zone, you can ensure that your letter is properly addressed and delivered to the intended recipient. To learn more about these zones and how to use them, please check the picture below.

Understanding the Address Format – Lonely Poland (2)

How to Write an Envelope – Other Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions about addressing envelopes and their brief answers:

How do I Address an A4 envelope?

The guidelines for addressing a C4 (A4) envelope are the same as for other envelope sizes:

  1. The sender’s personal information should be placed in the top left-hand corner.
  2. The addressee’s information should be placed in the lower right corner.
  3. The recipient’s name and title should be written in full.
  4. The address should include the street name, building and apartment number, zip code, and city.
  5. The envelope should be clearly and legibly addressed, and a stamp should be placed in the top right-hand corner.

Does The Envelope Need to Include the Sender Data?

Including the sender’s information on the envelope is not only a matter of etiquette, it is also practical and necessary. It ensures that the letter or package can be returned to the sender if it is undeliverable, and it allows the recipient to verify the source of the correspondence before opening it. This can be especially important for official or sensitive correspondence.


  • https://neopak.pl/blog/banalne-i-proste-adresowanie-koperty
  • https://www.poczta-polska.pl/hermes/uploads/2013/10/Poradnik-nt.-poprawnego-adresowania-2016-12-30.pdf
Understanding the Address Format – Lonely Poland (2025)


How do you format a Poland address? ›

Polish Address Components

Street name: Write the name of the street or avenue where the recipient is located. House number: Indicate the specific number associated with the recipient's address right after the street name. Postal code: Include the five-digit Polish postal code, formatted properly as described below.

How to write an apartment address in Poland? ›

  1. If you must send a letter to your girlfriend whose street name and number you got from her and your friends use this template:
  2. <First name> <Surname> <Street name> <house no.> [<apartment no. if it exists>] <Postal code> GDAŃSK.
  3. Polish Post prefers the last line written in all caps to facilitate automatic reading.
Dec 26, 2020

What does UL mean in Polish address? ›

The first part of the address in Poland should be in correct Polish spelling, as Polish postmen can't necessarily read English. The UL. stands for ULICA (street).

How to use pan and pani in Polish? ›

While Polish pan/pani can be used before the name (either first name and surname, only first name, or only surname), using it with the surname is generally considered rude and disrespectful. This is in stark contrast with, say, Czech use of this word.

How do you fill out address format? ›

How to write an address on an envelope
  1. The name of the sender should be placed on the first line.
  2. If you're sending from a business, you would list the company name on the next line.
  3. Next, you should write out the building number and street name.
  4. The final line should have the city, state and ZIP code for the address.
Jul 31, 2023

What is the correct address format? ›

Street number and name (address line 1) Apartment or unit and its number (address line 2) City, state and zip code (include all of this on one line with a comma between city and state, but not zip code) Country.

How do you format an apartment address? ›

APT (Apartment): When specifying apartment units, APT is often abbreviated as "Apartment." For instance, if you're addressing mail to Apartment 45, it should be written as "123 Maple St, APT 45."

What does a Polish postcode look like? ›

Polish postcodes are five digits, and should be written to the left of the city/locality name, with a dash between the second and third digits.

How do I format my apartment address online? ›

This typically involves putting the recipient's name on the first line, followed by building/apartment number, street, city/town, state/province (if applicable), postal code, and country name written in ALL CAPS.

What does CESC mean in Polish? ›

Cześć comes in handy again, as it is used for both hello and goodbye, much like Hola in Spanish. However, for more formal situations, be sure to use one of the following: Do widzenia (the most standard good-bye) Do zobaczenia (slightly more formal)

What does PW stand for in Polish? ›

However, soon it was abbreviated to the letters PW, which over time came to symbolise the phrase "Polska Walcząca", "Poland is fighting".

What does PDW mean in Polish? ›

PDW stands for "Pozdrowienia Do Więzienia" which roughly translates to "Greetings To Jail".

What does gappa mean in Polish? ›

(colloquial) booby (person) (Greater Poland, Kujawy, Poznań) crow (Corvus cornix, occasionally other birds of the Corvus genus) synonym ▲ Synonym: wrona.

How do you address a Polish person? ›

Firstly, use Pan (Sir) or Pani (Madam) towards elders and people with whom you are not very familiar. To the English speakers, this may seem overly formal, but this is the standard in Polish. After you have interacted with someone a couple of times, you may add their first name after Pan/Pani.

How do you address a letter in Polish? ›

Szanowni Państwo - translates as “Dear Sir or Madam” in English. It is the most formal and polite way of addressing someone you do not know personally. If you are certain that your message will be received by a woman, you can write Szanowna Pani (“Dear Madam”), by a man - Szanowny Panie (“Dear Sir”).

What is the pattern of postal codes in Poland? ›

In Poland, postal codes were introduced in 1973. They are five-digit codes of two-then-three digits, with a hyphen between them.

How do I send a package to Poland? ›

One of the most affordable options for shipping your packages abroad is the United States Postal Service. Its Priority Mail International service will ship your item to Poland within five business days. The shipping price is up to $100. Use the shipping calculator to get an idea of the shipping price.


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